
Easily Understood Technical Error Codes with Error Code Grouping

Technical error codes that customers cannot understand become history with Error Code Grouping.

Error codes consisting of complex names and numbers are history with Error Code Grouping, developed by Paynet. Customers can easily learn the cause of the error they are experiencing and easily resolve the errors they receive from various sources, such as the bank.

Error Code Grouping identifies hundreds of errors in digital banking transactions. When the customer encounters an error, he can immediately see the cause and contact the necessary institutions, as well as find his own solution.

Lighter Operational Burden

When selling through e-commerce or mobile applications, customers do not call the business's call centre for errors; instead, they contact their bank for common issues such as card limits or Internet banking.

Integrated with Paynet Solutions

Error Code Grouping works in conjunction with Paynet solutions such as PayPortal, Paylink, MobilePOS and Paynet API. This means that if there is a problem with a Paynet transaction, the error code is communicated in a meaningful and simple way.

Shopping Never Stops Half Way

Customers can easily see that they have received an error not from the e-commerce site or mobile app, but from the bank or payment institution, and can choose a different card or payment method. This way, shopping never stops half way.

High Customer Satisfaction Rate

With Error Code Grouping, Paynet members can provide clear answers to their customers and help them solve their problems. As a result, customers can easily learn the source of problems and solutions, and complete their purchases happy.

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