Frequently Asked Questions

Paynet is a leading financial technology company in B2B activities, offering fast, easy, and secure online collection solutions to over 20,000 active member merchants. It operates in accordance with the Central Bank and has PCI DSS Certificates.

With a single agreement, you can make your transactions from all credit cards and debit cards in a single withdrawal or instalments.

You can make transactions with overseas cards in a single withdrawal.

Paynet and the Company title will appear together on your customers' statements. (Paynet / Company Title) 

Without having a website or any technical development, you can use our Paynet POS via (PayPortal) and mobile application (CepPOS) and receive payments securely.

You must be a taxpayer to become a member of Paynet.

You can create your application file by completing the required information and clicking the 'Apply Now' button on our website.

You can create your application file by completing the required information and clicking the 'Apply Now' button on our website.

You can track the latest status of your application with the reference number sent to your mobile phone during the application process and your TR ID number/Tax ID Number information at in the 'Application Tracking' section.

You can track the latest status of your application with the reference number sent to your mobile phone during the application process and your TR ID number/Tax ID Number information at in the 'Application Tracking' section.

If you are a commercial company;

  • A copy of your Signature Circular
  • A copy of your tax certificate
  • A copy of the company official's ID card with wet signature (must be signed by the ID holder)
  • A copy of your trade registry certificate
  • If you are a sole proprietorshipyası

A copy of your signature circular

  • Copy of your tax certificate
  • Copy of the company official's ID card with wet signature (must be signed by the ID holder) Attendance slip or chamber registration certificate 
  • Sites with gambling content
  • Sites with political content
  • Sites that sell replica or counterfeit products
  • Betting sites
  • Violent sites
  • Invoicing business models
  • Sites offering hosting services
  • Sale of cigarettes and tobacco products - sites that sell cigarettes, tobacco, and products that facilitate their use
  • Sale of storage devices
  • Sexually explicit sites
  • Consulting business models
  • Services of an erotic nature
  • Products with pornographic content
  • Auctions / auction sites
  • Prescription and non-prescription drug sales
  • Companies selling through call centres
  • Sites with a network marketing model
  • Sites offering Forex services
  • Sites selling any kind of drugs or products that facilitate the use of drugs

You only need to approve the contract and upload the additional documents in full to the system.

We make weekly payments.

Regardless of the instalment amount, the amount remaining after deducting the service fee rate will be sent to you in a single payment.

The service fee amounts received during your transaction with Paynet will be invoiced to you monthly under the name 'Paynet Service Fee'.  There is no charge to you for these invoices.

The service fee amounts received during your transaction with Paynet will be invoiced to you monthly under the name 'Paynet Service Fee'.  There is no charge to you for these invoices.

You can report via the PayPortal using the login information we provide you.

Yes, you can get detailed information by contacting us via Apply Now or by calling 444 7 729.

You can contact us at or 444 7 729 regarding your unreceived invoices.

Requests made on the same day as the sales transaction are defined as cancellations, while requests made on the following and subsequent days are defined as refunds.

You can create your request in the 'Transaction List' section under the 'Reports' tab in PayPortal and track the status of your requests under the 'Cancellation & Refund Request' heading under the 'Reports' tab.

If there are sufficient funds in your account, your refund request will be sent to the bank within 1 business day. The time it takes for the refund to appear on your card varies by bank.

Yes, partial refunds are available.

No, there are no additional fees.

You can request a receipt from Paynet that the Cancellation & Refund transaction was made, and you can contact your bank regarding the matter.

If the problem persists and you contact Paynet, the process of talking with the bank will start again.


Yes, your transactions are verified and secured using 3D Secure. This greatly reduces the possibility of fraudulent transactions being returned as charge backs.

If you process your collections through Paynet Portal, you do not need to obtain an SSL certificate. Similarly, if you use pre-designed forms, customisable forms and popular payment integration models, you do not need an SSL certificate. You will need to obtain an SSL certificate if you use the direct API integration model.

"We meet internationally recognised security standards with PCI-DSS Level 1, the highest level of information systems security protocol in the financial world. The PCI-DSS certificate is audited and renewed every year. In addition, all of our development processes and system infrastructure are scanned for vulnerabilities twice a year.

Under the rules of international card payment systems, credit card holders have the right to dispute transactions made with their cards. This dispute is sent by the cardholder's bank to the merchant's bank. The merchant's bank in turn asks the merchant to provide documents relating to the disputed transaction. If the requested documentation is insufficient, the merchant's bank collects the amount of the disputed transaction from the merchant and transfers it to the cardholder bank. This process is called a charge back.

In the event of a charge back, the following steps will be taken:

1. The cardholder disputes the charge with the credit card bank.
2. The card bank forwards this dispute via Paynet to the merchant for receipt of the transaction documents.
3. Paynet will lodge an objection with the workplace and request the documents relating to the transaction.
4. The workplace will send the relevant documents to Paynet.
5. If the merchant fails to provide documentation within the time limit, or if the documentation provided is deemed insufficient, the disputed amount will be debited from the merchant's account and returned to the cardholder's bank.
6. If the documents received are deemed sufficient, they will be forwarded to the bank holding the card and the dispute will be rejected. The merchant is not required to refund the amount.

No, you do not pay anything.

The documents required to be submitted to the bank for a charge back are the invoice and delivery note of the product if it is a product sold, the service contract if it is a service sold, and the transaction invoice. In this case, a document is required that legally proves that the goods and/or services were received by the cardholder. The best example is the delivery note signed by the logistics company. As this document bears the 'wet signature' of the cardholder, it is considered sufficient by the banks.

Charge back risk can be reduced by being careful and mindful of certain points

We can treat this matter in two different ways: physical use of the card and virtual use of the credit card:

Cases where the card is physically used:

It should be checked that the credit card is a genuine bank card.
In cases where the credit card is physically used and the transaction is made without 3D, the identity of the cardholder should be confirmed.
Cases where the card is used in e-commerce transactions:

In virtual transactions, customers make transactions on the card in decreasing amounts.
Use of different names for the same card in transaction attempts.
Constant changes of delivery address for the same purchase.
Even if it is not related to these issues, should be informed if there is any suspicion about the transaction.

If the matter in dispute between the member and the claimant remains unresolved, the individual customer may appeal to the Arbitration Committee to resolve the complaint.

You can visit our 'Security, Privacy and PDPL' page for the procedures, application conditions and details of what you need to do before applying to the Individual Customer Arbitration Committee of the Association of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions of Türkiye.

Yes, using our API document, you can integrate Paynet into your e-commerce site with any infrastructure. You can contact your sales representative or contact us via 444 7 729.

Yes. Paynet POS can be used on more than one website under the same company name. You do not need to sign a separate contract for each of them.

If you have a sales representative with whom you are in contact, you can contact them or contact us at or 444 7 729 for detailed information.

Yes. Once you have applied for integration, your site will be reviewed in detail by our risk team. You will be informed of the outcome of your application within 3 working days.

The system is activated within 1 business day.

We work with all banks operating in Türkiye that have credit card and debit card apps in making debit/credit card collection transactions.

We have ready integrations with Logo and Nebim. However, it can be integrated with all ERP programmes on request.

If you have a sales representative you are in contact with, you can contact them, otherwise you can contact us via or 444 7 729.

Yes. You can use our ready-made modules for Prestashop, Opencart, and WooCommerce for free.

Even if there is no ready-made module for the open source infrastructure you use on your e-commerce site, you can easily integrate it using our API documentation.

If you send us the problem you are experiencing during integration with the following information via, our dedicated team will assist you.

We can help you more quickly if you provide the following information

Your customer code
The IP address from which you made the request
The Paynet service you are using
Request information
Response informationisi

Yes. You can customise the payment form we provide.

If you want to buy a static IP address for your home or office Internet, you will need to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider). If you want to get a dedicated IP (Static IP) for your rented server service, you can contact your hosting company.

You need to go to the 'My Account' section of the Paynet Control Panel, then log in to the 'Control Panel' and then to the 'Company Information' section. Once you are in the Company Information section, you should arrive at the Integration Information section. In the Integration Information section, under 'IP list is available' you can add the IP you want to define here.

You can access our sample codes for .net and php at


There is no minimum limit. However, a maximum monthly transaction limit is set for your company.

You can submit a limit request via the PayPortal. It will be evaluated on the same day and your limit will be increased if deemed appropriate.

For detailed information on service fee rates, please contact us via Apply Now. There are no additional fees for successful transactions other than the commission rate.

You will be charged a fee depending on which package you choose. Detailed information on fees can be obtained by contacting us via Apply Now,  or 444 7 729.